by Melody Julius


Holiday Moodboard '22



Once again, December has crept up on me so quickly! This year has been especially full of high highs and low lows. To be honest, there have been moments the last couple months where I wasn’t looking forward to the holiday season. Grief tends to surface extra this time of year, and I’m learning that while I love the parties and the celebrating, I need to also turn inward and be gentle on myself. Winter is a natural invitation to slow down, savor simplicity, and not add anything extra to an already full plate. I’m doing my best to stay flexible and grounded as I navigate each week this December.

That said, one event that I decided would still bring me a lot of joy is hosting a low-key holiday party. The weather the next week or so is supposed to be rainy, making for a perfect cozy atmosphere in which to gather some friends around warm cups of mulled wine or cider. Taking inspiration from a photo I saved last year of wine bottles dressed up with festive ribbon and pine branches, I thought it would be so fun to do a wine exchange with our guests! The plan is to run it like a white elephant game — each guest will bring their favorite bottle to swap, we’ll draw numbers out of a hat to determine the order, and they’ll get to pick the wine that most intrigues them. But, the next guest will have a chance to either pick a new bottle, or steal someone else’s!

Other things that are inspiring me this season — the aroma of simmering herbs on the stove, cold winter light, simple baked goods, unconventional gift giving.

I hope you find ways to delight in this season and if grief is a cloud hanging over your heads sometimes too, know that you’re not alone. The holidays can be an emotional time but I’m leaning on family and friends to share all the highs and lows together.

— M